Ever faced a choice that seemed right on paper, but it felt off in reality?
Decisions often require more than just logic, however we are also at risk of being swayed by emotions or opportunities that can veer us off course.
Here are some strategies if you're unsure of the way forward:
▪️ Not a "hell yes" it's a no.
▪️ Trust your first instinct.
▪️ Reflect against your values. Is it aligned?
▪️ Will it help you to achieve your 90-day goals?
▪️ Directly aligned to your strategic plan and purpose?
▪️ Will it make things faster, easier or more enjoyable?
▪️ Does it energise you or make you sag a little?
▪️ Will the time, energy or resource cost be worth the benefit?
▪️ Will it improve the community/customer/client experience or impact?
▪️ Park it. Sometimes they make themselves or become clearer with more information.
We are blessed to have choices, but it can get overwhelming if you're not deliberate about what you're aiming for - individually, or as a team or business.
90-day plans for yourself and your team is a great way to filter choice, to focus on the important things and keep momentum. Keep it clear and simple and do the thinking up front, so the decisions are less weighty as they arise.
What helps you to make decisions?