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  • Writer's pictureSophie Graves

Are your best and brightest OK?

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Have you thought about the critical people in your team that you’d be lost without? Those who would significantly impact the business if they left?

The pressure’s on. People are coming and going, or are running on empty. Teams are re-forming constantly, workload keeps coming and budgets are tighter.

Don’t use a strategy of hope that your top talent will stay.

52% of voluntarily exiting employees said that their manager or organisation could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job. (Gallup 2021)

Rather than wait for signs of trouble, you can take preventive action to keep your talented people, such as:

💡 Have a stay conversation: Ask what’s working well, not working well, what can you do to help, what would influence them to stay or go?

💡 Ask them what would mean the most right now: It may not be more $$’s. Additional leave, an extra resource, time off, working from another location for a while?

💡 Provide development opportunities: High performers love to learn and be stretched, but can also struggle silently carrying the load. What exposure, experience or education or coaching are they craving?

💡 Coaching support: Do they need help to weather the storm? To soundboard, debrief, plan, prioritise, manage stress, lead through change, make decisions?

💡 Address their greatest pain points: How can you help them? Can you give them an extra resource, pause a project, funding to outsource work?

💡 Give a surprise thank you gift: The day off, a hamper sent to home, a day spa, a lovely lunch out, a bonus.

The cost of any of these is miniscule compared to losing and replacing them in time, fees, pain and productivity.

❔What has made you to stay or go in the past?


I help talented leaders and teams to ADAPT and thrive in our changing world, making a lasting impact in their careers and communities.

How I can help:


➡ Executive Coaching

➡ Assessment and development: 360's | Strengths | Communication | Personality | Leadership

Team Programs

➡ Team Insights and Impact (Team Personality/behavioural style assessment and alignment)

➡ Courageous Conversations

➡ Consulting Skills

➡ High Performing Teams

➡ Team assessments and development


➡ Strategic planning

➡ Surveys and organisational diagnostics/culture development

Please contact me to get in touch.

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