Despite the booming jobs market, I’m seeing widespread loss of confidence in high performers.
The hits seem primarily to be coming from toxic work environments, where despite years of experience and expertise, these high-flyers are feeling like failures. Overworked and underpowered.
It's clear that there was not a failure on their part, but the environment around them. They turned themselves inside out trying to make it work. It was the lack of appreciation, lack of progression, poor leadership support, politics and power plays instead of meaningful impact and action.
Then there’s burnout. Burnout impacts energy, mood, confidence, productivity, health, resilience, engagement and performance.
High achievers tend to keep drawing on their will and reserves, astounded that they can’t turn the situation around. Those previously at the top of their game aren’t able to deliver as they used to, leaving them bruised and bewildered.
It’s a process to recover from these experiences, but if this is feels like you, I suggest making a plan right now to move on (even if you feel like you’ll never get another job, putting a plan in action is an empowering confidence boost).
If you’re feeling a hit to your confidence that’s impacting your health and happiness, perhaps it’s time to let go, realise that you did the best you could and move on to better things. There are certainly plenty of opportunities out there.
Please get in touch with me if you’d like to chat about how we can help your transition and recovery.
Have you had a bad work experience? What helped you to recover?