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  • Writer's pictureSophie Graves

Making strategy stick

Operationalising strategy can be tough.

The planning phase is fabulous until it gets lost in the day-to-day chaos of work life and loses momentum.

Here are some ways to make it stick:

💠 Create a compelling vision of the future. A vivid description of the desired state inspires others to get involved and leaves a lasting impression.

💠 Separate strategic planning from operational /work planning, they require different levels of thinking and approach.

💠 Develop a comprehensive communication plan to consistently reinforce the vision, purpose and plan in people’s hearts and minds.

💠 Connect the strategy to daily work life by promoting examples of it in action.

💠 Have a long term strategic direction, but allow for quarterly/annual work planning to adapt to changing circumstances, and to incorporate BAU.

💠 Cascade work planning for teams directly from the strategy – team planning shouldn’t happen in isolation.

💠 Utilise user-friendly, visual project management/planning software to bridge the gap between the strategic roadmap and team activities. This tracks progress and makes it visible.

❓Why do you think strategies come unstuck?


I help talented leaders and teams to adapt and thrive in our changing world, making a lasting impact in their careers and communities.

How I can help:


➡ Executive Coaching

➡ Assessment and development: 360's | Strengths | Communication | Personality | Leadership

Team Programs

➡ Courageous Conversations

➡ Consulting Skills

➡ Communicating with Impact

➡ High Performing Teams

➡ Team Awareness and Alignment (Personality/behavioural styles)


➡ Strategic Planning

➡ Surveys and focus groups

Please contact me to discuss further.

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