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  • Writer's pictureSophie Graves

Want a better business?

Is it time to get back in control of your business and make it work for you, rather than the other way around?

The best way to have a better business is to have a great team.

Sorry to state the obvious. But it's easier said than done right?

Yes, it can be hard to find and keep good people. However, I often find that the problem is not so much the people, but whether the structure, roles and clarity of direction have set them up for success.

There’s sometimes a disconnect between what leaders think they’ve communicated and what has been truly heard, understood and applied. Processes and documentation may also not align with the intent.

A great team needs CLARITY.

So triple check:

  • Is your team crystal clear on what they need to do, why, and when?

  • Is your structure still clear and workable?

  • Does your team really know who is responsible for what?

  • Do they know what to do first, in hectic times?

Consider a confidential pulse survey to test the above and lift the lid on what's really going on to you can take targetted action and build a better business.

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